Welcome to my machine

Hello. I'm a person who likes to make things. If you like weird media, programming, anime, comics, computer stuff, retro gaming. You're in the right spot I guess. I am Krysti, I like to also discuss the EVIL WORLD cuz damn. Super evil eh?

My sites serve unorthodox styles of the web experience and we're at the point now that webdev has some pretty powerful features. With isolation.zone, you will soon be able to do much of what you're seeing here with your own profile.

You can already tie in your https://username.isolation.zone to BlueSky as a free DNS handle. All you have to do is link your plc:did to your profile and link it on Bluesky's "Change Handle" options fulfilled by URL, not DNS TXT.

Isolation Zone Button VPR-TV Button Krysti Online logo VaporCade Button Krysti is Rad Button
